Mask Workplace Dilemma

  • Mask Workplace Dilemma

    Posted by Armaiti May on December 30, 2020 at 6:34 pm

    As a veterinarian who makes housecalls, I have been faced with clients who are uncomfortable with me not wearing a mask. In the beginning of the plandemic, I was willing to wear the mask on occasion to accommodate existing clients who had concerns, but now I am not taking on new clients who request that. However, some will come back with more questions and concerns, and it has become a hassle to deal with this issue. I wish I had more support from professionals as most are going along with the mask mandates and not willing to question the official narrative. Any tips?

    Deleted User replied 3 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Deleted User

    April 22, 2021 at 1:13 pm

    Good for you. Stand your ground. Don’t take on clients who demand you wear a mask in their home while working on an animal. That mentality is sickening to me. IMO they are a different species than us. They will also be the first people to sue you for something. Recently I’ve had a colonoscopy and a dental appointment. Both doctors tried to get away with meeting me for the first time with a face diaper on! I told them both that I want to see the faces of a doctor that is going to be doing a procedure on my body! Neither one of them liked it, and they were both surprised. Doctors are not use to people challenging them on ANYTHING they do. Well that’s too bad. Now, more than ever, I challenge doctors, attorneys, etc. Also, I had a face lift consultation with a plastic surgeon. Only after I made the appointment, waited for a month for my consultation, scheduled my entire day around the appointment, paid him $75.00 for the consultation fee, waited in his waiting room, then his private office, did he tell me that that he was going to require a PCR test from me for the procedure! I stopped the consultation that second, demanded my money back, educated him, and walked out the door. He too was shocked. Too bad!

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